Welcome to my Page :)

Character Descriptions

This page is under construction! In the future it will house character profiles for some of my OCs and links to learn more about them.
Here's a link to my OC tag on tumblr to get started!

Below is an outline for the structure of the page, with images and text to be added later.

Avalina and the Grave Misunderstanding

  • Ava Grayson
    Ava is the protagonist of Avalina and the Grave Misunderstanding, the weird book I'm writing. Within the first few pages she goes from a deeply average office worker with a sad past, to a less boring and much more stressed-out accomplice to an escaped demon, tasked with driving him to the other side of the continent before monstrous angels can imprison them both.
    Ava is kind and loyal to a fault, but also hardheaded, sarcastic, easily frustrated, and good at scrambling for a plan in life-threatening situations. The quality of the plan varies.
  • Emma Hawthorne
    Emma is Ava's coworker and best friend. She's cheerful, excitable, easily distracted, and a huge nerd about the occult and the paranormal. This last part is thanks to a mysterious book that was left on the orphanage doorstep with her when she was a baby. The book supposedly belonged to Emma's mother, and has detailed knowledge about angels, demons and magic which Emma has been trying to decipher her whole life.
    Once Ava gets herself into supernatural danger, Emma is almost too eager to drop everything and help out; she's waited her whole life for something interesting to happen to her, and she's pretty sure casting spells at weird creatures to protect Ava is her purpose in life.
  • Simon the demon
    This story began when Ava, driving down a lonely highway on a dark September night, saw Simon burst out of a wall of wheat, running for his life from a huge, incomprehensible monster. Not knowing what else to do, she saved his life by letting him into her car and hiding him from the monster for a night. This terrible decision came back to bite her hard when she realized that Simon was a shapeshifting demon who just escaped from his hellish eternal prison, the monster chasing him was an angel, and now Ava is on the hook as his accomplice and in danger of being imprisoned for eternity as well, unless she helps Simon escape back to his home world before they both get caught.
    Simon is rude, snarky and socially clueless, seeing humans as confusing and irritating, and responding to most things that confuse and irritate him by biting them as hard as possible. He takes a long time to learn to show adequate appreciation for everything Ava does to help him out, but throughout the book he goes from sniping at her at every opportunity to being willing to lay down his life for her. Although by then it might be too late.

The Gauntlet

  • Cylox
  • Tal
  • Marian

More to come!